Running Tips From Pro Triathletes

Mike Finch |

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This article originally appeared on Polar.

We asked pro triathletes from the BMC-Etixx team to share their running tips. See their answers and learn more about getting ready for demanding workouts, stretching, enhancing performance, racing and recovery.

As the old saying goes: When in doubt, take it from the pros.

1. What’s the most important thing for you when getting ready for a demanding run?


Liz Blatchford, BMC-Etixx pro triathlete:

“One thing I find very important when getting ready for a demanding run session is to be fuelled up properly. That involves eating probably about 90 minutes before the running session so it’s not sitting too much in my stomach. Some complex carbohydrates. Nothing too high in fibre. That’ll get me through my running session.”


2. Do you have a favourite stretch?


Bart Aernouts, BMC-Etixx pro triathlete:

“I’m not a big stretcher but after a running session I make sure I stretch my calves because that’s where I tend to get tight.”

At the end of the video, Will Clarke shows his favourite glute stretch. “I do this normally in the evening when I’m watching TV,” he says. “It’s quite relaxing.”


3. What can runners do to enhance their performance?


Ronnie Schildknecht, BMC-Etixx pro triathlete:

“I think cycling is one of the best sports to improve your running. If you run a lot it really can wear you down. For example, if I run over a 80K a week I get niggles. With biking you can do a lot of fitness without the pounding.”


4. How do you recover from an intense workout?


Romain Guillaume, BMC-Etixx pro triathlete:

“When you push super hard you have to fuel your body as soon as possible after the workout. The first thing I’m doing is I’m more focused to just fuel my body and get my body ready for the next workout. I think good nutrition, good recovery, is very important. That’s first and then there’s stretching, massage, legs up… But first is the recovery shake.”


5. What are your pre-race rituals?


Will Clarke, BMC-Etixx pro triathlete:

“Couple of hours before the start, I like to go away on my own and get in my own headspace and think about the race and think about all the little things that could go wrong. Hopefully when I come upon them for real then I’ve already been through them in my head. That’s important for me for getting mentally ready for the race and getting mentally ready for what’s coming up ahead.”


6. What’s a training tip every runner should know?


Romain Guillaume, BMC-Etixx pro triathlete:

“I used to run super-contracted at the upper body. I was running like this. I realised that running on the treadmill helped me to run more relaxed. I would advise a lot of people, especially in the winter, to run once a week on the treadmill and try to be focused.”


– Photos ©BrakeThrough Media

This article originally appeared on Polar.


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