Six Best Energy Bars

Runners World |

Mid- to long-run energy

During medium- to long-mileage runs, you need easily digestible energy that won’t send your blood-sugar levels on a roller-coaster ride. Pick a bar that contains a variety of ingredients such as oats and fruit. This mix gives you carbohydrates (glucose and fructose) that deliver fast and long-lasting fuel. “Fructose is absorbed relatively slowly,” says Gidus, “so its energy is released over time, while glucose is fast-acting.”

Plus, studies show that consuming those two types of carbs at once increases the amount of energy your muscles can use and improves performance, says Gidus. A comprehensive bar like this will usually also contain B vitamins, calcium, and iron.

A good bar: Mule Bar Mango Tango is fresh and naturally sweet-tasting. It provides 36 grams of carbs, four grams protein and iron – responsible for creating haemoglobin, which transports oxygen to your hard-working muscles ( Available at Dis-Chem Pharmacies.

Pre- or mid-run boost

Mid- to long-run energy

Lunch replacement

Post-run immunity boost

Long-run pain reflief

Post-workout recovery

Pre- or mid-run boost

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