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IN PICTURES: Relive Comrades 2024

Relive the drama and magic of the Comrades Marathon in 2024 through the lens of ace photographer Tobias Ginsberg.

Second place and first South African Dan Moselakwe put up a strong fight to finish just 45 seconds behind the winner
Moselakwe celebrates after his second place
A new record and a third win for, the now legendary, Gerda Steyn.
Gerda Steyn celebrates in front of adoring fans
One foot in front of the other. That’s how you get there.
Many hands make light work.
Finish line feels
I heart the Comrades
Cheers to the Comrades.
Run-walk is the right strategy for Comrades success
Who’s a Thirsti chicken?
Strength in numbers.
From Brazil with love.
Night lights and runners bright.
Eventual winner Piet Wiersma leads the pack through Umlaas Road
On your marks….
Majestic mass.
The front runners surge along Harrison Flats.
Hydration station.
Looking for Pollys
Can you catch me?
Road warrior
Walking on sunshine.
Praying for some divine intervention
Cauldron of noise. The spectacular Scottsville finish line.


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