Christmas Food vs. Running Time

How many kilometres does it take to burn off your favourite Christmas snacks?

Annie Rice |

We’re not going to tell you to diet through Christmas, where would be the joy in that? However, to avoid the typical 5 lb weight gain of the average Brit you might want to create a little ‘run for it’ scheme with yourself. So eat that extra mince pie, then have some fun running it off later, simple.


1 mince pie = 1209 kilojoules = 3.7 kilometres

3 Quality Streets = 510 kilojoules = 1.6 kilometres

Salted nuts = 695 kilojoules = 2 kilometres

Eggnog = 933 kilojoules = 2.9 kilometres


The big event

Christmas pudding with brandy cream = 1757 kilojoules = 5.5 kilometres

Christmas dinner = 6066 kilojoules = 19 kilometres …looks like the Boxing Day run will be a big one.

Portion of cheese and crackers (3 crackers) = 1264 kilojoules = 3.86 kilometres

Portion of roast potatoes (four potatoes) = 836 kilojoules = 2.6 kilometres



Large glass of wine = 953 kilojoules = 2.9 kilometres

Glass of port = 330 kilojoules = 0.97 kilometres

Glass of Champagne = 372 kilojoules = 1.2 kilometres

Baileys = 543 kilojoules = 1.6 kilometres

READ MORE ON: christmas nutrition

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