The 10 Most Influential People In SA Running

Some are winners, some make winners… but all have had a profound effect on the state of SA running in 2016.

Mike Finch and Lisa Nevitt |

8. The Braveheart – Caroline Wöstmann 2016 Comrades Marathon runner-up, two-time Two Oceans champion, 33


In 2016, Caroline Wöstmann and Charné Bosman produced one of the most dramatic moments in Comrades Marathon history. With a 15-minute lead going into the final 20km of the race, Wöstmann – the outright favourite, after her win in 2015 and double victory at the 2015 and 2016 Two Oceans Marathon – began to fall apart, as she paid the price for a too-fast early pace.

At the time, Bosman had almost resigned herself to settling for second place, with a seemingly insurmountable gap to bridge between her and Wöstmann. But as Wöstmann began to cramp – walking often, and weaving across the road – the gap began to close dramatically. At one stage Wöstmann swerved into the path of a marshal’s motorbike; and with 12km to go, it seemed impossible that she would even finish.

But she refused to give up, and the drama continued in front of millions on TV. As Wöstmann staggered, fell and walked her way agonisingly towards Durban, Bosman suddenly realised she had a chance to win.

But it took until they hit the streets of Durban, with only 2km to go, for Bosman to finally catch the struggling mother of two – within earshot of the stadium.

Bosman accelerated past, terrified that her rival would find a second wind and challenge her again. But it was not to be: Bosman ran on to an emotional victory, with Wöstmann losing almost five minutes over those last 2km.

At the post-race press conference, Wöstmann celebrated with Bosman as if she had won the race herself, paying tribute to her friend and sometime training partner.

And while we celebrate Bosman’s win, we applaud Wöstmann. For the Johannesburg-born runner to have suffered through those final 12km was a lesson to everyone who has ever run the great race between Durban and Pietermaritzburg. Never give up, no matter who you are!

READ MORE ON: cape-town-marathon Caroline Wöstmann inspiring people motivation wayde van niekerk

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