The 10 Most Influential People In SA Running

Some are winners, some make winners… but all have had a profound effect on the state of SA running in 2016.

Mike Finch and Lisa Nevitt |

5. The Colonel – John Hamlett, Coach and mentor, 56


In the 2001 Comrades Marathon, as Andrew Kelehe ran through Westville on his way to victory, the Colonel was shouting: “Fly with wings, Andrew, fly!” It was an emotional moment for Kelehe, after the death of his daughter just months before, and the Colonel – John Hamlett – had tears running down his face as he shouted encouragement from atop the press truck following the leaders.

The running policeman went on to finish in 5:25, to become the first black South African to win the race since 1992.

It’s Hamlett’s no-nonsense approach to coaching – and the position he once held as a colonel in the army – that earned him his nickname, and his reputation as a master tactician.

For 33 years Hamlett has looked after a small group of handpicked athletes, many of them from disadvantaged backgrounds, and drilled them into becoming endurance superstars. His belief in them is palpable, and his passion for producing Comrades champions, in particular, seems limitless.

At first take, he’s an intimidating character. Despite his age, he’s physically defined, with a strong handshake that matches his resolute belief in every athlete he works with. His holistic approach
to coaching combines hard training with a balanced lifestyle, and a strong focus on nutrition.

Sometimes controversial, Hamlett can often be seen out on the route on race day, shouting at and encouraging his runners.

After his win in 2001, Andrew Kelehe worked closely with Hamlett to produce a new generation of champions – including Kelehe’s own brother, Gift, who won the race in 2015.

But perhaps Hamlett’s crowning achievement came in 2016, when David Gatebe broke the ‘unbreakable’ Down Run record of Russian Leonid Shvetsov by almost two minutes, in 5:18.

Gatebe’s attack 26km from the finish was decisive; one more piece of evidence that Hamlett’s ability to build confidence in his athletes has been key to his success in producing a staggering 45 Comrades gold medals.

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