R500K Up For Grabs at 2022 Ultra Trail Cape Town

New title sponsor brings bigger prize purse

Race Editor |

Prize winners at this year’s  RMB Ultra-trail Cape Town will win a share of the increased prize purse of R500k across the different events, including the new 100-miler flagship race. Rand Merchant Bank (RMB) recently came on board as title sponsor and this has opened up possibilities for the growth of the event, and for the sport of trail running.

The established UTCT festival of trail running traverses the Table Mountain National Park and surrounds, and the 100km and 100-miler routes include parts of the wider Cape Peninsula. The race formats have been updated and UTCT now comprises five events: 23km, 35km, 55km, 100km and the 100-miler, all taking place between 25 and 27 November 2022.

Stuart McConnachie, Race Director of RMB Ultra-Trail Cape Town says: “RMB is committed to unlocking and developing talent, and their partnership with UTCT has resulted in us being able to elevate the prize money. This will attract not only international athletes, but also help drive South Africa’s incredible talent pool from road to trail. Elite athletes play an integral role in our sport’s success, and in turn it is important that they be incentivised for their efforts.”

Every event will be included in the total prize money allocation, which equates to half a million rand ($30,000).

RMB Ultra-trail Cape Town has grown into the premier trail running event in the country and attracts runners from across the world to experience the superb trails available in the Table Mountain National Park. With SANParks and the City of Cape Town as partners, the event showcases the best of what Cape Town can offer to adventure-loving tourists, and trail runners in particular.

Top international runners have graced the UTCT podiums in recent years, notably Courtney Dauwalter and Jim Walmsley, and Francois D’Haene, Beth Pascall and Cody Reed, amongst others.

READ MORE ON: ultra-trail cape town utct

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