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Our Favourite Comrades Pics To Get You Inspired!

SOUTH AFRICA - JUNE 03, Bruce Fordyce kisses Zola Budd during the 2012 Comrades Marathon on June 03, 2012 in South Africa. The 2012 Comrades Marathon is starting at the City Hall in Pietermaritzburg and finishing at the Sahara Kingsmead Cricket Stadium in Durban. Photo by Anesh Debiky / Gallo Images

The drama and excitement around running the almost 90km of the Comrades Marathon is unparalleled in the world of ultra-distance endeavours. For every runner there is a story: Battling hills and heat, hanging tough when the body wants to give in and finally the exhilaration of the famed finishing line.

After a two-year hiatus the Comrades is back and on Sunday the great race returns! Here’s just a little inspiration and a selection of our favourite pictures from past events from ace photographers Tobias Ginsberg, Zoon Cronje and Kelvin Trautman.

@Tobias Ginsberg
@Tobias Ginsberg
@Tobia Ginsberg
@Tobias Ginsberg
@Tobias Ginsberg
@Zoon Cronje
@Zoon Cronje
@Zoon Cronje
@Zoon Cronje
@Zoon Cronje
@Zoon Cronje
@Kelvin Trautman
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