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How To Predict Your Comrades Marathon Finishing Time

Comrades 2022

Making predictions is fraught with error because of how our individual physiologies differ, says RW Scientific Editor Prof. Ross Tucker. Combine that with how training prepares us to go that much longer, and… well, we urge caution if you’re using a hard-and-fast predictor. Rather put the following formulas to work, to produce an estimated range for your Comrades finishing time, based on your best recent marathon time:

Lower estimate (fastest probable time) = T1 x D2 / D1 x 1.1

Upper estimate (slowest probable time) = T1 x D2 / D1 x 1.15

For example, if your marathon time is 4 hours, then your lower estimate is:

(4 x 60) x 85.91 / 42.2 x 1.1 

= 537 minutes

= 8:57

Your upper estimate is:

(4 x 60) x 85.91 / 42.2 x 1.15 

= 562 minutes

= 9:22

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